Labels:cd rom | disk | door | plate | road | sky | table | washer OCR: TM The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows DISC March 1996 General In MSDOS type VIEW to start Windows: Applications Start up Windows 2 Choose RUN from the Program Manager File menu to 3) see type: In the the D: RUN Isetup command dialog .exe box line box. aIf the D: drive is not your CDROM drive change to the appropriate CDROM drive Walnut Creek 4) letter. Click OK to start the CDROM installation Suite 260, 1547 Palos Verdes Mall DIZC #J COMPACT Walnut Sales +1 Creek 510 CA 674-0783 94596 USA DATA OISC STORAGE Technical info@ cdrom support .com 1 510 603. -1234 ISO 9660 Format Shareware Copyright requires c 1996 payment Walnut to Creek author if CDROM punoy useful Made in the USA DISC1 0880f setup auth